Some News, Updates and Thoughts

by Marianne  - June 17, 2011

Hey all (sorry about the teeny tiny picture of me – had nothing else bar more cat pictures :-/ and don’t want to seem like the crazy cat-lady LOL),

So, life without camera continues (had to activate some insurance voucher thing, which takes like 24 hours – grr).  The Flip camera was a possibility, but the battery was dead! Anyway, I am very anxious to upload a new workout! I hate not having anything new for you, so I thought I would take this chance to chat to you all about some exciting news etc.

As most of you know I have been sharing links about fellow ladies of strength who Nia Shanks has named “Beautiful Badasses”. A few of these ladies have been talking back and forth and have decided to meet up in August to support another girl in a Power-Lifting Meet.  Being that I am now single and, full of adventure I could not miss out on this chance to meet some amazing like-minded women – so I AM GOING TO AMERICA … Oh and I also plan to meet another BB, Melissa ( while I am there!!! I am so excited about this trip and I hope it is the first of many, because this girl has the travel bug!

The best thing about this trip will be having some amazing pictures and footage of us training together and, of course, one hell of a girls night out 😀

I am also going to Munich from 30th June to 5th July (over my Birthday weekend) – so I am super chuffed about that too, YAY!

For anyone wanting to follow more of my updates and random thoughts, then please remember you can join me on Facebook. I actually spend way too much time on FB, but it seems to be a great way to keep up to date with everything going on.  So if you want to “listen” to me, or chat to me more directly, you can do so there.

Next, for some exciting news from a fellow reader.  Daniel, from Hungary sent me a message on FB a few months ago to introduce himself and tell me about his fitness and weight loss journey. He stated he had started Kettlebell workouts (including ones from here) and he was doing the Warrior Diet for about 7 months. So today I got an update and he sent me THIS LINK to show before and after pictures. But this is what he wrote:

“Dear Marianne,

I’ve written a message to you about 3 months ago, and I also commented one of your workout videos not so long ago. You know, Daniel from Hungary. :)))
I wrote about the warrior diet what I am following. So, the Hungarian translation of the book is very fresh. The guy who translated the book is Jilly Dávid. He is a kettlebell instructor as well. He made a blog site and an Internet site about the diet, I just want to show my results to you. Since the Hungarian translation came out, mine is the first presentation of the successful results in my country. There will be more, for sure. 🙂:)
7 months on warrior diet, with kettlebell and as you know, with the new member of my “family”, Convict Conditioning. I gonna live like this, for the rest of my life. You are one of the people, who helps me so much. 🙂:)

Your faithful follower,


What an amazing transformation and such an inspiration for anyone else here on this same journey, to lose unhealthy body fat, get fit and strong and be happy! Daniel sounds like he is really happy 😀 To even be credited at all makes me proud to have set up Even if it was Daniel who did all the hard work, I am happy that this resource provided at least some support and direction.

Now for some thoughts:

  • Something that I have been guilty of in the past is taking things way too seriously.  Do you think that in the fitness world people get carried away sometimes with out-doing one another, or belittling others’ efforts and methods?? I know I have been that person sitting in judgment. While it is good to question and be cautious of risks to your health, I think sometimes the bigger picture can be forgotten. Which is getting people to move. But, not at any cost! I would say, getting people to move better, safely and with a view to progress. However, I think we should also have fun with our workouts and appreciate that everyone’s tastes are different.
  • I have been reading more and more about bringing training back to the basics and, how learning foundation exercises and body movements, will stand you in a better position for fitness and performance longevity.  I hope that my workouts reflect this as I have always prided myself on not over-complicating things.  Intensity can be created from times, weights, intervals, exercise order. It’s not always about doing fancy exercises – but doing the exercises you choose, well!
  • Are you perfect? Do you really want to be? What is seen as imperfect in our eyes may also be interpreted as a unique quirk or defining feature. Lori sent me this Link about being “Perfectly Imperfect” – check it out.

Enough said! 🙂

  • Now, I am not one for following silly crazes or supporting dangerous / wreckless behaviour – but this is just plain hilarious and cracks me up every time I see it!

I mean, come on people – planking? Whatever next!

Probably one of the funniest things about this are the rules LOL – “Lying face down, expressionless” haha!! No way could I keep a straight face doing that 😀

  • Moving on, have a read at Alli’s latest article HERE. I read this the other night and I just felt like so much of it made such sense to me and is a great perspective to reach in life.
  • With so much focus here on building strength, we can often get caught up in the numbers and meeting those goals, but what happens if we can’t reach our goals.  What should you do? Or how can it be explained. There are many elements to this, some of which I believe to be psychological, but Bret Contreras has written an excellent post called “Strength Goals: Don’t be Afraid to Abandon them”. If you have time to follow ANOTHER link, then I highly suggest you give it a read. This topic seems to hit home with a lot of people as you can see from the comments, but it is something that perhaps people refuse to consider.
  • Finally, I wish to leave you with a new friend of mine. Someone who I have grown, just recently, to both love and respect.  This is Frank, the Plank:

… Couldn’t resist 😛

I will be back very soon with a new workout everyone. Hope you enjoy the reading !



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