How Women Should Train! My Rant

by Marianne  - September 11, 2011

Hey everyone,

It has been a while since I had a good ould rant, so I am not going to make any apologies about this one 😉 In the past, I have gotten into a little trouble over my rants as I tend to “pick on” or make an example of someone that may appear as if I am bitching or, just being jealous of others’ success or whatever. This post today has been purely motivated by MY feelings that women are being TARGETED and falling prey to poorly designed, oppressive, highly marketed and down-right sexist fitness advice and expectations! Not jealousy – although it does bug the life out of me that these people make millions from selling this shite! The example I am using today is Tracy Anderson and her “methods”.  This made me so mad on so many levels, I had to write about it, so here goes… *deep breath*.

Please understand that this is just how I have interpreted the message, and I have nothing against Tracy Anderson as a person. I realise she has a lot of fans, but that doesn’t mean that what she is selling is good – it means she has a hell of a marketing strategy.  That is something that you need to bear in mind when you see these products. Always do your research.

Anyway, back to the rant…

Now, I am fully aware that what I think looks feminine and what looks bulky is going to be different to others. I also know that there are possibly many people who have had benefits from Tracy’s workouts and her advice.  However, the issues I have lie in certain comments made through the videos Tracy appears in that fuel the fire of the myths in female training (even that fact that I am referring to “female training” is bugging me).

In my view these comments are strategically placed and are a deliberate attempt to reinforce the belief systems that; women should not train with heavy weights, women need high reps, there is such a thing as spot reduction and that your fitness journey is something that only needs to last “90 days”, or some other temporary time-frame. I believe that all of these comments are made with the sole purpose to SELL Tracy’s product and Tracy’s niche!  Given that most women still believe these things, it is a very clever marketing strategy. But, it is also exploitation because it feeds off the insecurities that women already hold and the pressures already streaming from society and the media.

On the surface Tracy talks about including variety and I guess “compound” exercises into your routine, with cardio, and a better diet which is good advice, but then she goes and ruins it by saying things like the following host of statements:

In the video above she says @ 00:41 “… over working muscles creates bulk” – really?? No, Testosterone + a calorie surplus + heavy weights creates bulk. By mentioning “bulk” viewers already buy into Tracy’s system, that will ensure their muscles are not “over-worked” and will therefore be safe from getting bulky.  Tracy wants women to believe her routines will get them a muscular structure that is “teenie tiny and strong” with “lots of sexy definition” – talk about using all the keywords that people want to hear!  How can you get stronger and more defined when all you EVER use is a maximum of 3lb.  A hairdryer weights more! If that worked, I’d say most women would have sexy defined arms, except those who let their hair dry naturally 😉

In fairness there are women who believe me to be “bulky”, so I guess it’s left up to your own interpretation – which is also clever, because we all know what happens when our imagination is left in control … exaggeration!  So, what Tracy is trying to do here is to reinforce the fear that if you “overwork” your muscles, you will get bulky in what ever form that means for you.  I find this confusing, since she also states later in the video that “60, 80 or 100 reps” of an exercise is what you need to get “long, lean” muscles!! Really? What does she mean my “over-work” then? What this ridiculous rep range suggestion achieves is to emphasise that women NEED high reps. But, why do 100 of something when you can get better and faster results by adding resistance progressively and doing less reps? It also takes less time out of your day.

Moving to the section on arm exercises (about 8 minutes into the video). Is it wrong that this section made me laugh out loud at times! No harm to Tracy but standing like a scarecrow and not even using your own body weight will get you great arms? It took me to master the push up, before I saw any real changes in my arms. In my experience, it takes you to a least get triceps to make a great-looking arm, not flapping your arms up and down. Besides most women have issues with “bingo wings”, so show them how to grow their triceps, by building some upper body strength, and then lose body fat if you want toned, lean arms! In my opinion, Tracy’s arm routine (in this video) is crap! Seriously if you want toned arms you need to do more than just rotated them … that’s a warm up! It’s not that these exercises won’t have some benefits (for beginners), but there is no encouragement to progress and actually get stronger.  What angered me most was her saying that these routines are “great rotations, especially for women”. Why? Because you never reach your potential? You never strive beyond 3lbs? You are pigeon-holed into being weak, and different to men? … it gets better:

At 1 min 20 sec – women must stay at 3lb while men get more weight AND an added “bonus” exercise. WHAT!  Ok ladies, if you stay at 3lbs and never add the “bonus exercise”, you will avoid the dreaded bulk of men!  The message from this is: Women must be restricted because otherwise we run the risk of turning into the Hulk overnight.  I really can’t help but mock this, because it is just too ridiculous for words. What happened to trainers wanting the best for people – educating and teaching the best methods which will allow your body to actually get strong and STAY strong!

In all seriousness, for any women out there who have wondered about adding more weight, you will not end up looking like a man. You WILL gain strength and muscle, which will stabilise your body and help you in everyday activities, never mind the sense of empowerment and confidence.  If there are any mothers out there, you have already been strengthening your body progressively by carrying a growing baby! When you lift your child time and time again (which I assume weighs more than 3lbs), did you end up bulky then?

At 2 mins 18 seconds, Tracy is asked why ALL women use 3lbs. In her fluffy answer she throws in words like “long, lean and feminine” and then states “I’m not opposed to lifting more than 3lbs, it’s just how you use it”.  I guess that is where the “bonus exercise for men only” starts to make sense.  So now viewers believe that there are female exercises and male exercises. The saddest part was when I looked at the view count on YouTube there was 20,000 odd, 37 “likes” and ZERO “dislikes” 🙁 … well there’s one “dislike” now 😉 Each video was the same, masses of “likes”. People clearly buy into this!

Now take a look at the promotion video below:

Firstly : “Omnicentric” ?? I laughed so hard at this!

On a serious note, “90 days” … 90 days should only be THE START of your fitness journey. What happens after that Tracy? This is terrible teaching, but excellent marketing!

One of the biggest problems in the fitness industry is inconsistency. The fact that few fitness experts actually support each other and try to streamline the information that gets filtered down to the masses, makes selling outrageous claims like “90 days” all the easier.  That, and everyone wants to make a quick buck off the “latest thing”.  All the while people can’t wait to jump on the next “band-wagon” and “quick-fix”.

I realise my rant is filled with sarcastic remarks and piss-takes, but I do have a real worry that women listen to this and buy into this mindset. The “likes and “dislikes” of the videos has really emphasised that people want to believe in this stuff.  WHY is that?  Seriously, I am asking if anyone can tell me why? Is it because weights are intimidating, is it lack if positive exposure to women strength training? Is it laziness?  To me, it’s probably a bit of everything. We want to look good, but most women still believe “looking good” is to be thin.  Strength is a “man-trait”. What do women need to be strong for, right? In the 21st Century is society so backward that women still feel they have to appear weaker? Maybe that is a little deep and too serious, but I do wonder about the source of these beliefs. Maybe it is just easier to let the masses stay blind when it’s a pretty good money-maker.  Why bother with the truth, when the ground work is already done to allow these gimmicks to sell.

There are so many agendas at play in this belief system that it has just dawned on me how steep the battle is for those of us who are fighting to change them and encourage women to break FREE of these restrictions.  Getting all you ladies out there to understand that strength training will not make you look like a man but will allow you to start making positive changes to your body and mind, is going to be a little harder than expected. That sounds like a challenge to me 😀

Who wants to live in the shackles that society/media place on us? I once did and it got me nowhere but unhappy and frustrated with my body!

Sometimes rebelling is the best thing you could ever do!

The saddest part was when I looked at the view count on YouTube there was 20,000 odd, 37 “likes” and ZERO “dislikes” 🙁 … well there’s one now, but this has just emphasised to me, the up-hill battle I some of us are fighting to try and encourage women to break FREE of these restrictions

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  1. Hey Marianne,

    I just stumbled across your blog and, although I’ve never heard of terrible Tracey, I have to say that I agree with every word you wrote. Oh, and that video at the end is fab – very inspiring! Love it!

  2. In reply to Nicole, perhaps joggers in USA do look happy. The one’s I see in Yorkshire don’t but that may be on account of the drizzle 😉
    Thanks for the offer of advice but I think I’ll keep off distance running. KBs give me enough cardio at the moment, I think. I’m glad that you enjoy both.

  3. Marianne,

    I just came upon your site looking for KB exercises and I am so impressed!

    To answer the several questions you posed let me preface my comment with a warning that I am a history major turned fitness fanatic.

    It is my opinion that women are opposed to weight training due to a long history of cultural conditioning as well as the influence of a consumer society. Feminism (or female equality for those who now consider Feminism a dirty word) is relatively a recent phenomenon compared to the 5,000+ years that women lived as lesser beings to their male class counterparts. For that period the relationships that women had with men were entirely dependent on the theory that men are stronger and must protect women, while women must care for men as a “helpmeet.” As recently as 1971 women were not allowed to officially run the Boston marathon because it was thought that they were not physically capable. These many centuries of conditioning ingrained a social system where strong women were at best derided for trying to be men (as if we can’t be strong in our own right) and at worst were targeted with violence. In most countries women are still not allowed to serve in active combat and most militaries have easier requirements for their female enlistees. Thus culture has created a subconsious fear in many women of being rejected because they are not feminine enough. This is a fear we are only recently breaking through. Sites like your own are helping to push this in the right direction, whereas mislead (and underfed) celebrities like Paltrow and her favorite trainer are pushing us back.

    This fear coupled with our consumer society and the need for a “quick fix” for all of life’s problems has resulted in a plethora of women who believe that scrawny and weak is beautiful (and easier) and strong is a male only characteristic.

    Hope I didn’t bore you too much…


    1. Not at all Nicole, this was very interesting! I am intrigued about the history of these inner fears women have and the reactions of men to strong females. I love that you have written this comment, thank you!

      Hopefully there will be many more sources like this site pushing forward a more positive way of thinking 😀


      1. I’m glad you found it interesting! Gerda Lerner has written several impressive (if maddening) books on the subject titled “The Creation of Patriarchy” and “The Creation of Feminist Consciousness,” if you are intrigued to read further.

        I am a long time runner and running coach, and have recently begun increasing my resistance training past simple injury prevention. I think I’m hooked!

        I heard about KB exercises and went to look up more information when I ran across your video on youtube. I have so far found your website awesome and inspiring. This post is a perfect summary of what I hate about the misinformation that seems to permeate the fitness community. The idea that challenging oneself will inevitably lead to bulky muscle is ridiculous.

        Keep ranting,


        1. I used to run when I was younger and came to the conclusion that humans are probably only designed for running short distances. Distance running gave me painful knees and a stiff back. Marathon runners look ill and have you ever seen a happy jogger? I believe kettlebells are great for strength, flexibility and long term health.

          1. I would have to disagree Paul B! I am a marathon runner and have been told that I am “way too happy” when I’m running. The best moment of my life was when I finished the Dallas White Rock Marathon (this includes graduating college, and getting married). Aerobic exercise has many wonderful effects on the body including but not limited to
            1)daily fatigue
            4)Coronary artery disease
            6)non insulin dependent diabetes millitus
            7)osteoporosis (in the lower body)
            and increasing
            2)other sports performance
            3)blood lipid profile
            4)insulin sensitivity
            5)glucose tolerance
            6)overall immunity

            The key point with running is making sure that the kinetic chain is functioning appropriately and increasing distance only gradually. Most people who have knee problems are not wearing the right shoes for their body or gait. The foot can roll in (pronate) out (supinate) or straight (neutral). A good running store can analyze your gait and provide a shoe that is best for you. It is also important to note that running shoes only last for about 6-8months or 400 miles. If you run on them longer than this it can cause pain. If you have a glute imbalance, this can also cause both knee and back pain.

            Finally, just as with weight training it is very possible to overtrain when running. This is done through running too fast, far, or often. One should only run about 4-5 days a week with two medium length runs, two short runs, and one long run where you push your distance. Also important is not to run as fast as possible for that duration, but only about 65-75% of maximum hr or performing the “talk test.” Finally you should only increase your mileage by about 10% total weekly mileage each week.

            Just as with weights its all about overload and recovery. Without pain, the benefits are outweighed by the negatives.

            My email is if you ever decide to get back in to running and need some advice. 🙂

  4. excellent article – I’m a personal trainer and new to you’re site and it’s nice to read someone’s thoughts written in such a passionate way – late night fitness equipment ads make me feel like this also

  5. It’s so annoying that so-called “fitness professionals” still peddle such nonsense. You’re not bulky by any stretch. I don’t think guys find Jessica Ennis bulky but she is undeniably strong. Owing to the hormone system a woman is unlikely to get “bulky” with muscle unless she’s genetically highly unusual or taking something chemical. I don’t mean to offend anyone but bulk on women is generally mostly fat tissue albeit there may be muscle under it.

    These systems that promise “long lean muscles” are simply deluding people. We all can make tremendous impacts on how we look through the hard work that we do but the length of bones, muscles and tendons etc. is pretty much dictated by genetics. Choose your parents wisely and you’ve a head start on being the shape you would like. If you happen to have short arms no amount of waving them in the air will make them longer but you can create that illusion by making them slimmer if that’s what you want.

  6. Hi Marianne,

    I stumbled across your workouts while searching for kettlebell workouts on utube & have been doing them ever since.
    I love your go getter heart that shows in your workouts & I love that you train hard. I totally agree with what you are saying about using heavier weights I have definitely seen results in my body since using your workouts. I’m very curious to how many times you workout a week & for how long. You have an amazing bod & would love to know your secrets…your an inspiration to so many women.

    1. Hello Natasha, thanks for stopping by and for leaving a lovely comment. You are very welcome here 🙂

      This is a frequently asked question for sure right now. You may be surpirsed to know that I train on average 3 times per week. I aim to do 1-2 heavy lifting days in the gym (session lasts 1hour tops), and 2-3 KB and body weight workouts for the blog (sessions usually last from 20 – 45 mins). The key is quality of training not quantity.

      I also don’t diet! Hate it! I fast and feast and it works for me. But the main thing is my weight training as it builds muscle and the muscle burns fat and maintains my BF at a level I am happy with.

      Just on a side note. About 13 months ago I used to train every day, sometimes twice (cardio, weights and KBs) and I was obsessed with being ripped. Never did I ever come close to where I am now. Once my focus and my training changed to strength, everything started to fall into place and I have never been happier with my body 🙂 I hope for every girl and every women to find a place where they are happy to look at their body and think “yeah, I can live with that”. I still get my “fat days” but they are few and far between 😉

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  8. WOnderful post! I don’t wanna offend anybody but I always wondered why Tracy Anderson is so famous…I don’t get it how somebody could fall for her workouts. These pink and purple dumbells, resembling chicken bones always make me laugh… I wouldn’t waste my precious time for a workout like that…but you are right that more often than not it is not the product but how it is presented…

  9. those tracy anderson videos are hilarious..and completely ridiculous!! i mean seriously, arm circles? I cant believe so many people buy into that BS!

    I’ve just started going strength training/weights with a trainer 3 times a week (primarily to reverse osteoporosis as im only 20) and we are constantly increasing the weights. I’m lucky to have found a trainer who doesnt just hand me a 2 pound weight and make me do 20 reps..with most exercises we aim for 3 sets of 6 using weights that are definitely heavy and challenging for me. I love seeing my strength increase and my arms have never looked so defined, in a good way. my motivation is definitely to get my bone mass back up but i have to say, i kinda love seeing myself with more muscle..and feeling like a bad ass compared to the other women in the gym who dont go near the weights section.

    I loved your rant! I think every women should read it..I’ve already sent it on to my sister who is scared of using heavy weights incase she bulks up. its time that bulking up myth is erased! And you all looked so badass in that training video…I would love to be able to squat that heavy someday 🙂 total inspiration!

  10. I have a battle like this with my female friends all of the time. Many are afraid to use the free weights section partly because it is male dominated but also for fear of building muscle. My gym even has a ladies only section upstairs but there is nothing up there of any merit apart from a few cardio machines.

    To make a change you need to constantly push your body in both weight and cardio.

    I h ent watched those videos but 100 reps sounds boring, how long can someone keep up a workout like that anyway? Maybe that is why it is only 90 days long?

    1. That bugs me David, that the “ladies only section” is filled with equipment that will just reinforce the idea that females don’t need to lift weights of any significance 🙁


  11. All I can say is: you are my hero. I have only just really started getting back into training, and I LOVE heavy lifting and I now have a personal trainer (a guy – who GETS IT) He is also Kettlebell Certified and I now attend his Bootcamps in addition to my one on one training. I found your sight – saw your videos, and now read your Rant, and I lable myself as your biggest fan! You GO girl. Down with “barbie weights”!!

      1. Hi Marianne,
        I just live in a suburb outside of Toronto, Canada (not sure of your location). I have told my trainer all about you! I am completely impressed with your strength and you are an inspiration! I am working hard to improve my strength, and one day would love to be able to do pull-ups and push-ups like you. I am becoming addicted to kettlebells, and I feel so powerful now that I am mastering the techniques properly! Learned Turkish Get-ups today….so cool!!

        1. I am in Belfast, Ireland 🙂 Thank you for your kind words. It is great that you have set yourself these empowering goals! I hope you will let us all know of your progress 😀

  12. Pingback: Tuesday 9/20/11 | Derby City CrossFit - Louisville, KY
  13. Pingback: “Training” for Women « Strength Training
  14. Marianne, I came across your site a few days ago and am totally hooked. I totally agree with your rant. 3lbs is absolutely nothing! She looks scrawny and unhealthy in my opinion and could do with a good feed and some heavier weights. Just recently I’ve got back into weight training and like to lift as heavy as possible. I love the toned muscular look and wish more women would be more open minded in terms of using heavy weights. Most women I’ve met who do heavy weights are far from big and bulky. I’ll keep an eye on your site, its great! And rant all you like, you’re only saying what most of us are thinking! Haha.

  15. Hi,
    I like your post.
    Honestly I thought that to gain bulk you used the heavier weights. I even asked a trainer and he suggested the light weights (0.5 to 1kg) to tone… Uggh! why didn’t I see this post a couple of days ago???
    I want a “healthy” look – not skinny stick figure =D so I don’t mind a few muscles =D

    Thank you for the post!

    1. Hi Kristina, now you know to disregard what that trainer said. Seriously, 0.5 to 1kg??? that is just pointless 🙁 I am glad that I wrote this post, just for that reason!

      Cheers 🙂

  16. First, let me say I dod not read your entire rant but I had to comment on this one. I saw her years ago on some show like ET or Oprah. She trained actress Gweneth Paltrow after she had her baby. I remember she mentioned something about women not lifting more than 3lbs. Once I heard that, and saw her body- which I assume is a result of her method I just tuned her out. I was pretty upset with the way she explained how lifting may negatively effect women’s’ bodies. I’m not saying her body is bad, but I prefer more curves and a bit more definition.

    All of the exercises she demonstrated have their place but, as you mentioned, why do 100 reps when you can add a bit more weight and less reps!?

    I will stop before I start my own rant.

  17. Hi Marianne,

    After 30+ years of working out with BBs & DBs, last summer I was introduced to KBs. I was completely surprised by the workout (clearly under estimated the value of this type of training) and I’ve now incorporated them regularly into workout/fitness training. This also reminded me, even after all these years, there is a lot more to learn about fitness and training! So, while looking for more “how-to” info on KBs, I came across one of your posts/videos, which led me to your blogsite. Wow, great posts, great insights, not only on fitness but your website presentation, and blog post writing too. This post is a great example. I think you’re right on with your message, I love to see my wife pushing herself on squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, etc. going as heavy as she can with good form (she has some “guns” and makes no apologies for them, and I think she looks pretty awesome IMHO of course)! I appreciate too you sharing a bit about your personal background and reasons and motivation for fitness. I’ll admit, when I came across one of your posts for the first time during an online search, I wasn’t expecting much (I had already seen way too many “pretty but not too helpful” videos, but this was another under estimation on my part, sorry). Keep up the good work here, great info, great depth and explanations on your training and learning. Hey, a rant once in awhile, is not a bad thing if it is related to something you have a passion for and believe in, and from what I’ve read so far I think you have open mind and one focused more on learning and sharing (not selling :>).

    PS – I have to second Ralph’s earlier comments, not to knock anyone, but there is nothing wrong with (and attractive and healthy IMHO) a woman who looks like she regularly workouts (hard and intense) and eats (that is the message I’m telling my daughter).

    1. I love your outlook Frank and I really appreciate the words of encouragement! It is easy to judge a book by its cover, so I am glad that you stayed to find out more about me and my blog. Lovin that your wife has “guns” btw – she ROCKS! 😀 Two great role models for your daughter 🙂

  18. Pingback: How Women Should Train! My Rant | | Free Fitness Blog | Women's Health and Fitness Today
  19. Hey Marianne! I found this link from Nia and I’ve seen some of your videos linked by Ben Bruno. I might be biased as well, but I think you are a far, far cry from bulky. In fact, I think your physique screams femininity AND strength. I really enjoyed this piece and wish more women would subscribe to the heavy lifting mindset. Usually when I ask other women why they don’t, I think the answer is overwhelmingly a sense of intimidation – not knowing where/how to start, being judged by “big” guys, etc.

    It’s a shame.

    1. Hey Juliet, I agree that intimidation is a large part of the problem and one that is going to be just as difficult to solve. How do we persuade ladies to visit the strength room? I think it’s a shame that more trainers are not equiped to help with this side of things.

      It is indeed a shame 🙁

  20. Hi Marianne,
    this post was amazing and I couldn’t agree more! Women are incredibly gullible, and by into anything and everything they see or hear. When it comes to training and gaining some strength and lean muscle mass they are highly skeptical and I’m sorry to say-ignorant.
    I know this from my personal experience. When I first started training regularly, I did Zuzana’s workouts, and they gave me amazing results just using my own bodyweight! After awhile, I wanted to incorporate more weights into my training to gain muscle mass and definition, so I bought a 10.5kg barbell, to which I added 4kg plates (will add more when I save more money :)), and I started pressing, squating, lungeing (if that is a word), curling ,like crazy! And I enjoyed every little bit of it!
    I remember my sister was really skeptical about me training with such a weight and joked how soon I will turn into a bodybuilder, which I told her is impossible. However, couple of months later, she admired my toned arms, chest, well my whole body! She was amazed! Still, she refuses to start lifting, because she doesn’t want to get bulky!! O.O
    All the time I hear my girl friends tell me how they want to lose weight and tone, and when I tell them about weights they automatically say they already have strong arms, legs, etc. they don’t want to make them even bigger just lose fat off them. Strong arms my ass!! They can’t even do a single push up and they call themselves strong! That’s fat ladies, not muscle!!!!
    It really irritates me to hear them speak like that, and realise how misinformed women are. But the way I look at it now, is if someone really wants a change they will make a research of their own, seek advice from someone and actually TRY it for themselves before dissing it!!
    When I started I couldn’t do more than 10 push ups, now I can do 30, I finally can do pull ups and I’m proud of it! I can even do one arm push up!!!! 😀 And that’s what makes me feel great and strong, and I LOVE it!!!
    I say: women lift, lift, lift until you can lift no more! 😉

    1. You are a great inspiration to your sister and your friends, and you are right that is is something that they must decide on their own. BUT, you have proven that their fears are unfounded and yet they do not try. If they wanted to lose the fat off their arms, they would surely do what has worked for you! But you can lead a horse to water …

      Your achievements are great and you feel better for it. There’s nothing more satisfying than feeling strong and actually being strong 😀

      Keep lifting!

      1. Couldn’t agree more! 🙂
        Btw, thank you for being such an amazing inspiration! Ever since I first saw one of your videos I wanted to train with kettlebells, however there were none to buy in my country. Recently they showed up, but they seem to be a little pricey. Don’t know how much they are in Ireland, but here an 8kg kettlebell is 50 euros! 🙁
        Hopefully I’ll be able to afford one.. Thanks again for all your efforts, and keep myomy-ing! 😉 (that’s not a word, I know, just wanted to say keep doing your thing!)

        1. Wow, that’s expensive alright!! It would be about half that here. Even though you can’t buy the KBs, can you still get to use some, in a gym?

          I hope someone will maybe buy you one for your Birthday or Christmas 😀

          1. Well that’s quite cheaper then! Yeah, couple of gyms started using them, so I think I think I’ll just start going to those gyms.
            I already started complaining about KBs to all of my friends, so I keep my fingers crossed that they will take a hint and I’ll get my very own KB for New Year’s.. 🙂
            Thanks Marianne,
            looking forward to your new workout! 😉

  21. I just randomly passed by here, but she is so tiny?!
    From a personal point of view (i’m a dude) a bit bulky / definition on a women is sexy.. she is all bone and no definition what so ever (going on the video).

    Second, that last video that you can design your body… eat healthy and working out a lot gives you a great mindset which is far more appealing than the way you look.. And if you are eat healthy and do some daily exercise then your body will look just great.. (that goes for men and women :)).

    I’m surly not the guy you see on the ads with the sixpack etc. but just do everything in moderation and enjoy life..


  22. I think her look is waaaay too think and and stickly. Unfortunately this is the ideal we have shoved into our heads. I’m not saying it’s right – I’m saying that is what we as a society have shoved into people’s heads that is what women should look like. I am a larger framed woman with extremely wide hip bones (guys comment on this – they obviously can feel this so I’m not just making the “big boned” excuse). I would totally rather look like you than her. I think we are revolutionary in what we promote. We shouldn’t stop just because some people think we should. I know we won’t though. We won’t give up!

    1. NO WE WON’T! 😀 I am sure you are beautiful just the way you are. Part of “society’s” problem is that we have been comparing ourselves to others for so darn long and wishing we looked like whoever so we can be considered more attractive. I will get into this more in “My Body Image” Story, when I finally get the scanner hooked up to upload some of MY before pictures – *nervous eek*! I went to such extremes to be what I thought would make me more beautiful that I got lost in how I looked on the outside, as if that was all that mattered. Tracy mentioning “long, lean” and silly things like that just reinforces our focus on “the outside”.

      STRENGTH is something that changes us inwardly and outwardly, which is why it is Beautiful. I am not even sure which comes first, I strong mind or strong body?!

  23. I am so glad you wrote this piece! In the past week I’ve encountered some woman who asked me to train them in this Tracey Anderson Method, to which I replied as why I thought it was hocus pocus! Obviously I am not training them and sent them on their merry way. Having women like you to help me re-enforce just good old fashion training is a big help, because as a male it is hard to sometimes put my women clients and potential clients at ease. Thank so much.
    PS. Her voice just makes me want to throw my laptop across the room. Not only does she sound dumb but drugged too!

  24. two things you do well are lifting heavy and speaking the truth. I love this post. I will share it. by the way Tracy needs to do some serious glute work, I actually couldn’t even watch 2 seconds of the videos you posted. what a load of BS.

    1. Mickela, I was actually thinking the same thing! It must be her silly diet in combination with no actual weighted exercises, that leave her body looking so untoned and flat, especially the glutes. Should I send her a glute bridge video?

      There were so many other videos of her out there that it just got ridiculous, plus my blood was boiling over-board, I just couldn’t listen to any more of her crap, so I don’t blame you for not watching any more. You get the drift very quickly!

  25. Oh my, Marianne. Whenever I think it’s not possible to love you any more you have an awesome rant about Tracy Anderson and all things stupid about women’s fitness.

    It’s true that some people will never change their opinion on what is “big ‘n bulky”, but that’s there problem. Anyone who says you are ‘big ‘n bulky’ is in desperate need of a lobotomy. ; )

    1. Thank you Colin for staying to read a while 🙂 Nice to read your opinion too! Honesty is the best policy, even if it hurts! It’s better people know how to filter out the BS!


  26. Great post! I’m not sure what planet I’ve been hiding on but I’ve never heard of Tracey Anderson till today! It’s a name I’m going to forget straight away.

    I never saw any definition in my arms till I started lifting heavy and doing push ups and chin ups. I’m a new convert to S & C, only started in March this year and I’m loving the results.

    Well done Marianne and keep flying the flag for the UK!!!!


    1. Oh I will Frances, with pride 😀 Any excuse to wave my toned/bulky arms in the air 😉 Really glad to hear you are happy with your results to date! Push ups and chin up ROCK and they are totally badass exercises!

      No need to remember Tracy, other than to deter your friends and family from taking her advice!


  27. What ever happened to functional strength? how would someone retain long term fitness and functional strength when only “working out” for 90 days? I want 50 more years of sexy, strong, FUNCTIONAL body to enjoy and work out with. Maybe you could issue a challenge and she can put her money where her mouth is… Your style vs hers. But of course we already know the outcome dont we!

    1. It would be an interesting challenge. But she wouldn’t hold the same values in strength as me, so we would be competing for 2 totally different “trophies” – which is the sad thing about it. Two totally different goals. I want to educate, she wants to exploit. Let’s see which will shine through 🙂

  28. Hi Marianne,
    Great rant! I love ranting, so definite kudos to you!
    This year I started on a fitness journey to try and lose weight. I have always been on the heavy side, but after 5 weeks of cheese laden food while on exchange in Mexico, I came back to discover the scales creeping scarily close to 100kg! EEP! Definitely time for a change.
    As a teen I was always heavier than my peers, and bought into so many quick fixes that going to an all girls school throws at you. Soup diets, israeli army diet, pure starvation, exercise videos, you name it, I tried it. None of it did a jot, or left me feeling very good about myself.
    So this year I joined a gym, and because I can’t afford a PT (being a poor uni student) I asked a close friend who is a physio and who is very fit and healthy to show me a good basic weight routine and check my technique so that I would be able to do it on my own.
    I don’t think fear of bulking up is at the forefront of most women’s fears of getting into weight training, or maybe I just say that with the bias of knowing (from a nursing perspective…thanks anatomy and physiology class!) that we don’t have the testosterone required to add that sort of bulk. For me the fear was doing it wrong, and hurting myself. I come from a family with a high rate of osteoporosis and arthritis and even at my young age (23) I have bone issues, so I really was afraid of hurting myself. However, with good guidance, I have come to love my weights, and I don’t feel like I have had a good week if I don’t get to the gym at least three times to do them. My mum actually freaked out when I brought home some 4kg weights, but for me, if I am not getting a hell of a burn by 12 – 15 reps, it is not worth it!
    As for Tracy Anderson, she can keep her workouts…I am never going to sacrifice hours of my time to do a billion reps of something at a low weight when I know I can do a dozen or so and have a good satisfying ache the next morning.
    Sorry for the long reply, lol! Great article though 🙂
    xx Clare.

    1. A fellow nurse (in the making) 😀 I understand your fears, but you have probably done the best thing for your risk of osteoporosis and arthritis by strengthening the surrounding structures of your bones and joints. Your chances of getting these diseases has probably reduced significantly. Keep up the great work and continue inspiring your fellow students 🙂

      1. Oh are you a nurse? I am finishing up my degree at the moment, I feel like it will never end, I just want to work! I try to encourage my mum to exercise more, she is absolutely tiny, but she has a lot of arthritis and spine issues, I figure the more fit she is the easier she will find it in the long term, but she is difficult to get on the move, lol.
        So far I have lost 5 kilos, and I am determined to lose at least 10 more by the end of the year! Woohoo! I want to be a good role model for my patients in the future, and I don’t want every 8 hour shift leaving me exhausted!
        Keep up the good ranting! 😉

        1. I sure am a nurse, have been for 4.5 years. I work night shifts, so i can dedicate my spare time to the blog and my life 🙂 I also have arthritis! Ankylosing Spondylitis (in my back). It is well controlled now, but for years (during my nurse training and my early years in my career) it was very bad. Once I started strength training, it really helped my pain, but also my mood and self-image. So my journey has taken me a long way! That is why all this mumbo jumbo crap from people who preach fluff really gets my goat, because there are REAL benefits to lifting more than 3lbs and there can be REAL dangers with exercising for hours on end … oh no, here I go again!! eek

          We need more nurses like you – who are determined to lead by example, instead of falling prey to eating masses of chocolate, fried food and smoking, while preaching to patients to lead healthier lives! Keep doin what you are doing Clare, you won’t regret it! I hope your mum also gets hooked and starts to see the benefits to her own long-term health.

          I have faith in you 😀

          1. Hi,

            It’s amazing to see so many strong women training through the pain barrier! I’ve got arthritis (knee) as well, I was diagnosed around 3 years and told to lose weight.

            Over the past 12 months I’ve lost 4 and a half stone. I must attribute the first 4 stone to weight watchers.

            However, it left me looking flabby with no muscle definition. Since I started weight training, I’ve lost another 1/2 stone but I’ve gained a lot of muscle definition especially in my arms.

            Now more flabby bingo wings for me!! And my knees are much improved and much stronger. I can even do ass to grass squats without any pain!

            My problem area is my lower body, I’m trying to reconstruct my butt – that’s where you come. I saw you on Bret Contreras blog along with the other Beautiful Badasses. Awesome and inspirational! I’m following all of you now.

            I’ve added glute bridges and hip thrusts to my training. They awesome and I’m really enjoying it. Hope to see some results real soon.


          2. WOW! You have done an amazing job Frances! 4+ stone! And your knees are getting better – what a success!

            Mr Contreras has a lot to answer for … many of good things too 😉 Like bringing all us ladies together in this way and showing us glute bridges!

            I am so happy that you have had these great results in a healthy and realistic timeframe. Love it!

          3. I sure am going to keep going! I just did my measurements and a nice solid loss there is keeping me happy. I have a lot of friends who bemoan the scales, but the measuring tape is my friend! There are so many hypocritical nurses who have the worst lifestyle habits, even one of my lecturers at uni is morbidly obese, I feel like she doesn’t have a right to be teaching us about managing patients lifestyle diseases! So glad I don’t smoke, I will definitely not be joining the filthy brigade of students and nurses hanging around outside uni’s and hospitals! I am going to prove to the world that it is possible to live healthy in this crappy gross unhealthy consumeristic convenience world we live in! Woohoo!

          4. Go Clare!! I support you 100%! I am so pleased that you will be holding the flag for healthy nurses and other healthcare professionals. They may (and probably do) give you stick for being healthy, but all you can do is show them, as your results are speaking for themselves!

            Woohoo indeed!

  29. Rant away, Marianne!!! Love this post, you tell ’em!
    Tracy Anderson is right up there…or right DOWN there, with the Ab Circle Pro … really bad, misleading and morally corrupt health and fitness advice should be illegal.
    I long for the day when the Tracys and ACPros of this world are banned.
    I’m sharing this post, it’s great. Keep on ranting when you see something crazy.
    PS I think you look fabulous…great inspiration. Thank you.

    1. OMG the Ab Circle Pro!! Don’t get me started on that! It should be banned, or at least the advertisments for it and stupid claims! *sigh*!

      Cheers for the comment Viviane 🙂

  30. Well done on this post. I couldn’t agree with your more.A client had sent me all the Tracy Anderson (in my opinion JUNK) in an email.I snorted at “Omnicentric” also,what does that even mean!

    Lets keep delivering a better message to our client and the general public.Keep lifting heavy and feeling amazingly strong.

    Nat x

  31. Mans perspective…Tracy is hot but deserves to lined up with quite a few other ‘training experts’ and shot. I agree that the perception of women becoming ‘bulky’ from training properly comes from exactly this type of crap. There is nothing more sexy that a fit woman with gluts, back definition and tight arms. Having trained myself since 14 years of age I think its a shame that women do feel embarrassed to get in the weights area of the gym and work hard; it takes a lot of courage actually especially when there’s 300 lb guys there throwing weights around like idiots and not racking them! There are however more and more trainers like Marianne out there getting messages like this across and seeing the ‘youtube’ attachment of the ladies doing ass to grass squats is awesome! In fact if you do the traps of the commercial gyms like Fitness First, California Fitness, etc (the ones with one crappy squat rack) you wont see one guy doing squats as well – or as deep – as that.

    Hats off to you glute girls and to Trainers like Marianne for getting out there and doing things properly.

  32. Hey Marianne, I love your blog, your workouts, the KBs and my Gymboss! Bravo on the rant! I don’t have time to waste for a 3 hour workout or 100 reps on anything. rather do 5 reps with the heaviest I can do and get on with my day. Plus, I’ll be bored to death standing doing arm circles all day long. Keep up the great work!

  33. brilliant post!

    i myself can sympathise with this as at my gym theres only usually myself and perhaps one or two other women that even venture up to the weights floor! yes, it can be a little.kntimidating when full of sweaty men and their postlift howling,but one gets used to these things and you soon become of the weights community and a familiar face.

    at the start of my gym career, i too became victim of thr cardio bunny lifestyle..i wouldbt even know where to begin with a squat rack or similar. although my cv fitness showed some gains and it helpd me to keep a sustainable weight,i wasnt any closer to achieving that sort after toned physique. in fact ,when my partner (whos a pt) mentioned resistance training as a new dimension to training, my immediate reaction was one of adversity and nerves..i didnt want to end up.with a chunky male-esque physique!

    still i decided to give it a go and have since fallen in love with it! in fact,i now dispise cardio and find it holds very little enjoyment for me. weights can get you leaner,stronger,more toned and as i have found, help to protect the body from musculoskeletal type disorders.

    i have now started to incorporate this into my physio treatments and find tge same reaction from women day in and day out regarding weights.its time to start spreading the word and blow this demoralising and wholly false cardio culture out the water!

    1. Beck, your words are so familiar to me, I too was in the same boat and I agree we should be trying to spread the word and blow all this crap out of the water … LOVE THAT! On a serious note, I have noticed the strength and structure to my body now has done wonders for protecting me from the many muscular issure I used to suffer as a result of my Anky. Spondylitis, so I am grateful to weight training, SO much!

      Cheers for your comment 🙂

  34. Well, there are a lot of things I have to say about this Metamorphosis stuff.

    I was laughing about the “resistance of the arms” thing until this post made it clear to me, that Tracy’s method is making girls and women seriously ill.

    Where to start – the training method.
    For me it is absolutely obvious, that being persitant with training is the key to stay in a good shape. So what is the sense of 90 day program? It is so hard you will be eager to get back to normal after it, gain weight again – and return to that program when you want to be thin for a special occassion and spend the same amount of money again and again…
    What does she mean with “long” muscles? How shall it work out to get longer muscles? Will the training method lengthen your bones or something?
    How the hell shall women survive their everyday life without being able to lift shopping bags, babies or whatever that weights more than 3 lbs? Do we have to be weaker than men to attract them to us? Is that being sexy? Quite an outdated role model.

    Now the diet thing – when you google it, you find Tracy’s method connected with one word: starving.
    This is the worst diet thing I have ever seen (and my mother was fanatic about dieting and tried every diet she red about).
    I will just let this article speak for itself (Marianne, I hope this is okay):

    After years of trying to convince young girls, that magazine covers are all photoshoped, and that anorexic models are poor and seriously sick women, after years of trying to promote that a simple hop-on-hop-off-diet will never bring lasting results, but consequent healthy eating will add to your well-being – is THIS what we want a so called celebrity trainer to earn money with???
    With bringing this sick idea back, of cutting down calories until you are nothing but thin? With making young girls following the advise to weight themselves every morning and train the pattern of being anxious about gaining just a single gram again?

    I cannot laugh about the “resistance of the arms” thing anymore.

    1. Well said Squirrel! Of course I don’t mind you sharing that link. I think it is important for everyone to see that, while we may mock the silly statements, there is a very serious message to all of this. It is laughable to us (who know better) that people would fall for this. But not so many years ago, I too was desperate to lose weight, at any cost. I had no education and all I cared about was being thin NOW!! Not 6 months down the line.

      The fact that Tracy makes so much money and get called an expert angers me the most! For most people that means something. For me, she should know better and should take responsibility for the message she conveys. When I rant and give off about people and what their “message” is, I am fully prepared to stand by what I say and do. But, if someone calls me out and PROVES me wrong, then I will back down and try to repair the damage. Tracy Anderson has a lot to answer for – for the diet thing alone! If you are a professional and considered an expert then you are accountable for the advice you give, end off!

      Thank you for your response 🙂

  35. Pah, Marianne – that was barely a rant by your standards.

    After studying Tracys included videos at length I am amazed that she hasn’t got some hipcentric, or glutecentric individuals on the shows doing the exercise at ( vid 2 on this page – 4.19 )

    Also her fashion sense is shocking – women should not be allowed to wear such mis matching workout gear, thats the preference of men.

    Also , my 11 daughter puts make up on better – what is she a panda ?

    Anyway , never mind all that.

    Keep strong girl, a nice 3lb block of chocolate should fit in one hand nicely and a family sized quiche in the other. Balance is restored.

    P.s Are you coming over to the welsh kettlebell championship on Oct 22nd ?

    The Captain

    1. Afraid not Captain, no KB championships for me! Hope you have fun, if you’re goin!

      Cheers for the support with my rant. I know it was a little mild, but I have to ease back into things … it’s been a while 😀


  36. Pingback: Happy Belly. « sweat and dirt;
  37. Well, you’re speaking to the choir here… as I believe most of us lift as heavy as we can muster, at least that’s true for me! Seriously, in the first vid, she says she is on her way to a 3 hour workout! Maybe if all you do is exercise and try to look good, but most of us have a few other things to do in a day. The point of adding weight and then very short recovery times, is that you get a more effective workout in a shorter period of time, with 20-45 minute being optimal. Beyond 45 minutes, I’ve read that you start consuming muscle. With your routines or the VO2Max type workouts, I am sure any of us could do her low weight and high rep routines, but she couldn’t do pullups or pushups! I for one, want some useful strength!

    Tracy looks a little soft to me!

    ~ Gillian

    1. Excellent point Gillian about whether she could do our workouts! I dare say we could make a better attempt at hers. I think the limiting factor there would be BOREDOM! EEK! How bitchy of me 0:)

      Why would anyone want to workout for that long, any wonder she looks soft and, ironically, untoned! But I guess thin sells 🙁

  38. Gluted bridges everywhere tour, now that is something I want to see!!!!
    Also little thing you left out, Tracy’s most famous client, Gwyneth Paltrow, has been diagnosed osteopenia at the tender age of 37!!!!Can she seriously claim she builds strong bodies??!!!The woman looks like she could snap in two!Tiny bodies yes, but that is what happen when you undereat anyway, without spending a hundred dollars and hopping around the living room like a rabbit on crack!
    and by the way you bulky????really???you???
    but hey that if the internet, anybody can say anything from a keyboard, even that somebody like you is bulky, and even while stuffing the face fish crisps and chocs!!
    at the moment i am having a little girl crush on jen comas keck, how beautiful is she??and damn the woman lifts some heavy crap!!!I wish I was as “bulky” as her!!lol
    Was waiting for this kind of rant from you, and after my commercial gym experiment I want to rant too!!I even got to know this woman, great shape, does triathlon for charity, and lives in the gym cause she lives by the mantra low weight and lots lots lots of reps, her words exactly!!!booooooring!!!
    Please keep doing what you are doing, and please send more extra evil workout our way, had a break because of little family holiday and eat so much i can feel the rolls of fat crawling up!!!yikes!!!
    It was nice, but from tomorrow I am back on track, kettlebells are calling!
    Have a great week!

    P.S. uh forgot decided names for new kettlebells, buffy the fat slayer and Faith for the two 16 kg, and if you don’t know mind I named the 20 kg one Marianne!Too light?shall i wait to have a 30+ kg one??LOL

    1. Thanks for this Sara, great to hear from you and I am glad you are getting back on track! Love the names btw hehe!! 😉 Maybe wait til you have a 28kg to call it Marianne 😛

      I agree about Jen … what a beauty and even more so in person! Might have a girl crush on her too 😉

      Maybe I should do a “Rant of the Month” series haha! I am pretty sure there is plenty to rant about out there.

      There will be plenty of “evils” on the way.

      Chat soon

  39. Quality rant!

    Just look at her arms – they’re like twigs. I didn’t get past the first 2 minutes of the first video – too painful. 100 reps? WTF?

    As for that last vid? Love, love, LOVE it! I want to play! 🙂

    Keep up the great work Marianne – and don’t leave it too long before the next rant 😉

    1. Thanks Jo 🙂 Personally, I agree about her arms, but I dare say she would think mine are too bulky, so maybe her arms are the sort the masses want 🙁 Not for me though… nor the 100 reps!


          1. Standard issue male reporting in, recent polls suggest arms are not “too bulky”, more news at 11.

          2. …I mean who wants to look like the likes of Victoria Beckham anyway? To me they are defo not proper women. I have only just started using kettlebells but have been lifting ‘heavy’ for a while(not as heavy as you I might add – Marianne…I am totally amazed by your strenght and stamina)muscles are definatley sexy – my boyfriend thinks so too

          3. Miss B, muscle IS sexy! I agree with you. And btw, I never used to be as strong as I am now either 😉 So you are on the right track. The main thing is that you are progressing 🙂

  40. Marianne,
    Go girl, great rant.
    You are absolutely right, I have been involved with fitness classes for many years,since the early 1980’s, and i have heard the same old mantra from women consistently ‘I don’t want to work with weights coz i don’t want to end up looking like Arnold Schwartzeneger’ and i think that often fitness instructors find peoples perceptions so entrenched that they either haven’t got the time/energy/skill or whatever to educate their client otherwise. They end up giving the client what they think they want, diddy weights and millions of reps, perpetuating the myth. Also many exercisers don’t go to gyms but more likely go to the local church hall aerobics/zumba/body-toning class do their one hour a week and hope they are going to look like a super model after a couple of months.
    Many other exercisers work completely from home and rely on videos and Wi-fits to get them into shape. I think that many women have completely unrealistic expectations of what exercise is all about and want instant results with minimum effort. This is unfortunately where the likes of Tracey Anderson et al come in, brilliantly marketed ‘tosh’ offering just that, that’ll suck women in and spit ’em out disappointed and disillusioned, thinking that they have failed or that exercise is a waste of time so they give up completely until the next gimmick comes along or until they’ve got a holiday/wedding/event they want to slim down for and the whole cycle starts again.
    I admit it, I myself have hardly worked with weights until i discovered KB’s and your site, but i have always been into pushing myself and as soon as i discovered KB’s and felt myself getting stronger i was hooked.
    But now i have my husband commenting that my arms are looking a bit ‘man-like’! So it’s not just women limiting us, it’s the attitude of our menfolk as well (don’t worry, i’m more than physically strong and i love the way my body is responding to weighted work, i won’t be stopping anytime soon!!!!) But i do think that women who are serious about exercise/strength/health will seek out a more intelligent,hollistic and sustainable way of training.
    So i heartily applaude your rant and know that you are not coming from a place of jealousy, we need more sites like this and more education for women, more role models like yourself and the other beautiful badasses and we members of the myomy community need to spread the word too.
    Ooo i seem to have joined with a rant of my own oops 🙂 That’ll be the testosterone then!!haha 😉
    all the best from ‘Man-arms’!!!!

    1. Bravo girl, you and your Testosterone Man-arms make me proud 😛 I enjoyed reading your rant and I totally agree with what you said. Some of our men-folk also need enlightened. Funny, I was going to write about how all this Tracy Anderson stuff reminds me of my mum’s old workout videos from the 1980s! It’s crazy how somethings never change 🙁

      Keep doing what you’re doing and help spread the word that strength is a thing to be embraced and it is beautiful, in more ways than just the physical 🙂


  41. The arm exercises work. Yes saying women shouldn’t lift more than 3 lbs is patent nonsense, but although I can do heavy kettle bells; barbells; press ups; superatomic pressups with the TRX etc I still cannot manage Tracey’s whole arm section with 1kg weights on her mat video. They simply kill. There are only two other arm exercises that come close to the ‘whole arm feeling’ you get with Tracey’s arm stuff and that is ‘flick ups’ on the freemotion cable cross and bicep curls using body weight on the TRX. Not even single arm swings with a really heavy kettle bell gives that feeling of whole arm toning. Do the complete arm workout before you knock it -I’ll grant you the talk overs and philosophy are rubbish but as I near 50 I find keeping skin tone requires a lot of different stuff and the multi-directional nature of Tracey’s arm exercises is something to take on board.

    1. Hey there. The KB swing is not an arm exercise, so you wouldn’t get any results on that front anyways. Maybe a forearm pump if you hold on too tight, but that’s about it 🙁

      The “whole arm toning” you mention is actually from fatigue and lactic acid build up. High reps will make it burn like crazy, but I am talking about strength training and getting your arms into shape. It’s a lot more effective to do this using higher weights and lower reps along with a variety of exercises. I’m sure I would struggle with her arm “workout”, but that doesn’t mean it’s better. I used to try this type of training before, and saw NO lasting results.

      I agree however that multidirection training is a good thing. I am glad that you have seen results from Tracy’s methods. However I do wonder if it wasn’t more the heavy Barbells, Kettlebells, push ups, and TRX training you also do. If you took them away, I doubt you would see the same results 🙁 Just my 2c.

      1. Of course the trx etc contribute -I acknowledged that in my post. The point I made is that as you get older you need to do a lot of extra things and work out for longer for the same results. And if you work out for longer you cannot just keep upping the weight -time and fatigue takes its toll. You need a lot of variety and so arm exercises that hit the smaller muscles have a role. I don’t know anyone else that has so many multi-directional arm exercises as Tracey Anderson.

        Also don’t be closed to everything using small weights. As you get older you will realise there is more than one way to keep going. Big Weights are good. Small Weights can be useful. (But actually TRX x 2 is the best fun ever).

        1. “as you get older you need to do a lot of extra things and work out for longer for the same results” – I don’t believe this to be true at all Planetchampion. You don’t need to keep upping the weight to stay strong and in good shape, you can play about with intensity, workout design, and variety to keep your body guessing. Bodyweight exercises are better than Tracy’s 3lb limit! I don’t see how working out for longer will have added benefit?? Surely, all these silly reps will fatigue you regardless of the weight you hold!

          I watched one of her “Arm Workouts” HERE and, I don’t mean any disrespect to you, but at best, this is a shoulder workout! Not once does she use a pushing movement and I would say your shoulder and rotators would be mush after all this! HOW can this even tone your arms??

          It’s just as well that you do other stuff. After seeing this video it will be hard to convince me that even her “multi-directional” arm movements work! Just because she seems confident in what she is saying … doesn’t mean she is right! Sorry 🙁

  42. Hey great post! You hit the nail right on the head. Love your barbell workout video. Would love to share one of my own workouts with you. Try these 2 workouts A and B. i like to do them from 3 different rep ranges 2×20 (45 rest), 5×5 (60 rest), and 4×10 l60 rest)et me know what you think.
    Notice that the first exercise and the last superset rep ranges don’t change regardless of which rep range you choose. Take a rest period between each exercises. For example front squat rest 60 step up rest 60 then back to front squat and so on. ..

    Workout A
    Dumbbell Snatch 3 sets of 5

    Front Squat
    Step up

    bent over row
    db incline bench

    Cable wood chop 2 sets of 15
    3 pt. plank 45 seconds (switch every 10

    Workout B

    Jump Squat 3 sets of 5

    lat pulldown
    db i arm push press

    db romanian dead lift
    db bulgarian split squat

    swiss ball weighted crunch 2 sets of 20
    side plank 45 seconds

      1. Hi Marianne, Please, I need write you and I don´t have any web direccion, can you send to me some personal email address.
        Thank you very much and I´m so sorry for my request.

  43. Hi Marianne,

    I own some of the Tracy Anderson Method products as I am a huge fan of barre type workouts. Truly there isn’t anything in fitness that I haven’t tried. Tracy’s arm work, as do most other barre type workouts, only recommend the use of 3 lb weights. This is because it’s near impossible to get through all the sets with weights that are any heavier. If you can do the arm work from her TAM Matwork video, or Core Fusion’s Body Sculpt arm section or Tracy Effinger’s Squeeze Stronger arm series with anything above 3lbs while managing to maintain perfect form with both hands in the air instead of limping at your sides, then you’re a definite workout beast. I usually swear at the screen through these while praying to God for strength to carry on. Her Post Preg workout has the most brutal and most effective ab work I have ever done. Most of her followers are quite obsessive and buy everything she puts out. I suppose I can liken her following to Jillian Michaels’. I’ve seen reviews of Jillian’s dvds on amazon while the dvds were still on pre-order lol.

    I don’t agree with most of what Tracy says regarding weights lifting of nutrition but I do incorporate her workouts for toning. For her workouts 3 lb weights are truly all that’s needed. I don’t think it’s fair to say that women shouldn’t lift heavy at all. I’ve seen amazing improvements in my own body since increasing my own weight training and swapping out hours of mad cardio for circuit and HIIT training. I am much stronger, have more muscle and definition and am actually the smallest size I have ever been even though I am not at my lightest weight ever. Muscle weighs more than fat.

    Her nutritional advice is bonkers in my opinion. It’s laughable to subsist on such minuscule puree type food proportions. There are some women who have posted pics for the Metamorphosis series who I think could stand to eat a few dozen cheeseburgers and yet everyone will tell them they look “AMAZING!” The view of body image is terribly distorted for some of us. I find it laughable when the fb followers talk about how they find the meals so filling.

    So while I do knock some of what she says, there is a method, pardon the pun, to her madness. She should stick to advice for her own workout method rather than diss other peoples. I cannot fault the results I have gained with either her or your type of training. I believe it’s up to the individual to be sensible about their own fitness. I’m never going to be mad obsessive like some other TAM users and follow her mad diet guide. I intend to have my chocolate. Neither am I going to drop her workouts altogether simply because I don’t agree with everything she says. I am about results and I’ve garnered both with her type workouts and kb workouts as well.

    Take care,


    1. Hey Ana, I appreciate your response 🙂 And I am thrilled that you have seen results. But I do believe from what you have said that your strength gain was down to increasing the weight that you use. I have had a look at the workouts you mentioned above and I seriously doubt that they will build any lasting strength, beyond those movements. Muscular endurance, yes, but strength, no 🙁 There is just no progressive overload. The “hell” you feel is lactic acid from the billion unnecessary reps. I am sorry, but I don’t see the need for this type of training. If “toning” and fat loss is what you want, then resistance training is definitely way more effective that Tracy’s methods. That’s not to say her workouts aren’t difficult, 100 reps of any movement is difficult. But a “burn” does not mean it’s working. That is another great fitness myth.

      Like you, I am totally appalled by her diet advice :/ eek! And it is a shame when you see what people consider as “good shape” and “amazing”!

      If you are enjoying her workouts then carry on, I just want to voice my concern that some women will not realise what you have 🙂

      1. Hi Marianne,

        Your point stands. While strength training, and kbs especially, have been key to me getting the strength and tone I’ve been looking for, I know that my barre type workouts have helped as well. I am about results. It really is a crying shame that the ‘results’ most TAM users get are truly due more to a very restrictive diet rather than the working out. For me, strength is sexy. That’s why kbs are now my main workout and everything else revolves around them.


          1. I loved this post!!

            Question!! When you say that “feeling the burn” isn’t necessary and just a fitness myth, what do you mean by that? lol.

            Sometimes when I’m working out I feel uncomfortable because the movements are challenging, but I don’t feel the “burn” and then I get frustrated and think I’m not working out hard enough, or the move I’m doing is stupid. lol.

            You should do a video on this, it would be majorly helpful!!

            I also think you should do a video where you just talk about booty training 🙂 I loved your post on it, and purchased Bret Contreras e-book. But would love to hear more!!

          2. Samb, Hehe – maybe I should try and take over as “The Glute Girl” LOL – though I don’t know nearly as much as I would like to on the subject! Bret’s blog and his books are amazing sources of knowledge! A video on this is something I will consider, thanks for the suggestion!

            As for “the burn”. This feeling comes from a build up of lactic acid in the muscles (as far as I am aware) and all this translates as is fatigue really. You don’t need to feel this to be properly training your muscles. The only time I really feel a “burn” is when I am doing high reps or static holds. Heavy training does not have the same effect. Everyone is different though. The other thing I should mention, is that by contrast if you do feel a burn it doesn’t mean you are not working the muscle in a good way. All I meant by my statement was that it is not the feeling tha should qualify an exercise as “good”. That being said, when you are reaching your MAX reps in an exercise you may feel a burn, weakness or soreness – everyone feels failure differently – by “failure” I mean the inability to complete any more.

            Hope this helps.

    1. What a great post. Not a rant at all. I believe that your so called rant is the whole truth which I agree with 100%

      What a shame that so called fitness experts and high production infomercials sell a promimse to women about changing your body in minutes a day or long lean lines of a dancer with high reps and paper weight sized dumbells.

      Im so glad that you wrote this. Im glad that the certain self proclaimed expert by Gwenyth and Madonna was the focus of your rant.
      Thank you for the workouts you have posted, and showing women what it takes to make changes to your body.I appreciate it very much and am grateful for todays rant.

      1. Thanks for your feedback Izzyp, it is ridiculous that Tracy Anderson, and others like her, are considered “gurus” – ahhhhh! “Paper weight dumbbells” haha! Very good 😉

        1. Speechless because this was so FREAKING good!! Rant away! Keep up the great work at motivating those to push harder than they thought possible. I too train clients daily and many are looking for the “next best thing” It’s exhausting. It’s not out there! It’s called HARD WORK and heavy lifting done the right way! Such a great article. Thanks again!

          1. Do you think that a lot of people are scared by hard work? I think they have been so conditioned and sucked into the “quick fix” adverts and TV shows that anything that requires focus and self motivation is an immediate “no-no”!

            It’s an up hill battle alright, but keep doing what your doing Holly, because the world will change eventually – we’ll make sure of it 😀

          2. Truth is truth and you told it without any malice. I sure didn’t see any rant just honest and informed opinion.

          3. Stumbled across this website today and read some of your blogs, love this one – not a rant at all!! Looking forward to trying out some of your workouts very soon, keep up the good work!

        2. I think this is the one area that science hasn’t created a “magic” pill to produce a stunning body (yet). We have become a, “I want results now” society. This is why people selling gimmicks like “5-minute Abs: While watching a movie with pizza” are living in mansions.

          That gives me a product idea! “4-Minute Abs: While eating Nachos and drinking beer”!! It’s gotta be better, right?!

          There is a reason it’s called a “WORK”out people.

          1. Grrrr! This attitude angers me so much! You could totally make millions with your “4-min abs product” – you should start selling it before someone comes up with “3-min abs: while doing nothing at all”


          2. Hey, Brian, send me a copy of nacho and beer ab reduction video! 😉

            But seriously, I’m so happy that somehow I managed to escape that whole “female workout” kind of attitude – when I started working out in the early 90s, Rachel McLish was my favorite female athlete, and I just don’t see HER striking a pose in the weight room with three pound baby weights!

            Keep on ranting, Marianne!

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